

Quick Updates

10/7/07 - New website skin installed
9/25/07 - Finally got the new XHTML / CSS code written and uploaded. Sorry about the delay.
9/18/07 - Added cell phone content button. Forums open.
9/14/07 - Newly-coded site uploaded. Coded in XHTML and uses Divs and CSS. I rule.

To view all Quick Updates, click here.

To view copyright information and terms and conditions, click here.

Link To Me

Want to have The Dakini Hut in your links section? There are a couple of ways you can do this.

100 x 45
<a href="http://www.thedakinihut.strategyplanet.gamespy.com"><img src="http://www.thedakinihut.strategyplanet.gamespy.com/images/logo_one.gif" /></a>

250 x 113
<a href="http://www.thedakinihut.strategyplanet.gamespy.com"><img src="http://www.thedakinihut.strategyplanet.gamespy.com/images/logo_two.gif" /></a>


<a href="http://www.thedakinihut.strategyplanet.gamespy.com>The Dakini Hut</a>

You may adjust things such as font face and color as you wish, but if you need a logo in a different size please email me and I'll make one for you.